Dr. Amanda Sahar d’Urso is an assistant professor of government at Georgetown University.

Her research details how Middle Easterners and North Africans (MENA) have been racialized throughout the 20th and 21st century, despite being legally classified as ‘White’.

Her work is published in Perspectives on Politics, the Journal of Race and Ethnic Politics, as well as in public outlets such as Good Authority, The London School of Economics, and The Monkey Cage. In 2023, her dissertation won Honorable Mentions for best dissertation in political pscyhology in 2023. During the 2023-2024 academic year, she was a Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow.

I am of Iranian/Persian descent and speak Farsi/Persian fluently. My middle name, Sahar, is my Farsi name. If you speak Farsi, please feel free to call me Sahar!

من ایرانی هستم و فارسی صحبت می کنم. اسم فارسی من سحر است. اگه فارسی صحبت می کنید منو سحر صدا کن. ن